Does Maxicare Cover Maternity?

What Is Covered By Maxicare?

Maxicare’s maternity coverage includes a wide range of services related to pregnancy and childbirth. This includes pre-natal visits, ultrasounds, lab tests, delivery fees, hospitalization fees for the mother and newborn baby, postnatal visits up to 42 days after delivery, infant vaccinations up to 60 days after birth, and even counseling services for breastfeeding moms.

In addition to prenatal and postnatal care benefits, Maxicare also offers other benefits such as coverage for infertility treatments. In some cases, these treatments may be covered in full or partially depending on the policyholder’s specific plan. Additionally, some plans also offer coverage for elective procedures such as genetic testing or gender determination tests during pregnancy.

Maxicare also offers additional benefits that are not directly related to maternity care but can still be useful for expecting mothers. These include discounts on massages or spa visits during pregnancy as well as discounts on baby supplies such as diapers and formula.


Maxicare provides comprehensive coverage for maternity-related expenses including pre-natal visits, ultrasounds, lab tests, delivery fees, hospitalization fees for the mother and newborn baby, postnatal visits up to 42 days after delivery,. In addition to these core benefits Maxicare also offers discounts on massages or spa visits during pregnancy as well as discounts on baby supplies such as diapers and formula. With all of these benefits combined it’s easy to see why so many expecting mothers choose Maxicare when it comes time to purchase health insurance coverage!

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